Based on the model of logistics service combination, this paper discussed the logistics service supply chain consisting of a logistics service integrator (LSI) and many functional logistics service providers (FLSPs). In that situation, one's performance is affected by other party's endeavor. An optimization model of LSSC is built in terms of principle agent theory. In this model, the optimization goal is to maximize the profit of LSI. The main constraints are the individual rationality constraint (IR) and the incentive compatibility constraint (IC) of FLSPs. Furthermore the optimization solutions of model are given, consequently the optimization distribution coefficient and fixed payment are proposed. The optimization results show that the distribution coefficient is positively correlative with FLSP's endeavor while negatively correlative with the risk aversion coefficient of FLSP. The endeavor of LSI is negatively correlative with the unit endeavor cost. With the enlargement of uncertainty, the endeavor of LSI is decreasing. A practical example is given to show its application.