In June 2011-June 2012, a fertilization experiment was conducted in a typical Castanea moUissima stand in Lin' an of Zhejiang Province, East China to study the effects of inorganic and organic fertilization on the soil CO2 flux and the relationships between the soil CO2 flux and environ- mental factors. Four treatments were installed, i. e. , no fertilization ( CK), inorganic fertilization ( IF), organic fertilization ( OF), half organic plus half inorganic fertilization (OIF). The soil CO2 emission rate was determined by the method of static closed ehamber/GC technique, and the soil temperature, soil moisture content, and soil water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) concentration were determined by routine methods. The soil CO2 emission exhibited a strong seasonal pattern, with the highest rate in July or August and the lowest rate in February. The annual accumulative soil CO2 emission in CK was 27.7 t CO2 · hm-2 · a-1, and that in treatments IF, OF, and OIF was 29.5% , 47.0% , and 50.7% higher than the CK, respectively. The soil W5OC concentration in treatment IF ( 105.1 mg kg-1 ) was significantly higher than that in CK (76.6 mg · kg-1 ), but was obviously lower than that in treatments OF ( 133.0 mg · kg-1 ) and OIF ( 121.2 mg · kg-1 ). The temperature sensitivity of respiration (010) in treatments CK, IF, OF, and OIF was 1.47, 1.75, 1.49, and 1.57, respectively. The soil COg emission rate had significant positive correlations with the soil temperature at the depth of 5 em and the soil W5OC concentration, but no significant eorre-lation with soil moisture content. The increase of the soil WSOC concentration caused by fertilization was probably one of the reasons for the increase of soil CO_2 emission from the C. mollissima stand.