重非水相液体(Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid,DNAPL)与水相的界面面积是影响DNAPL在地下水中溶解速率的关键参数。通过设计二维砂箱实验,运用界面分配示踪法测定DNAPL残余饱和态下的界面面积。为量化分析保守示踪剂Br^-的存在对实验结果的影响,共进行两组实验,Br^-和界面分配示踪剂的注入方式分别为依次注入和同时注入。结果表明:(1)两组实验测定的固液相分配系数K_d值分别为0.079 m L/g和0.142 m L/g,表明Br^-的存在增大了介质对界面分配示踪剂的吸附作用;(2)两组实验测定的单位体积多孔介质中界面面积值分别为215 cm^2和237 cm^2,表明Br^-的存在增大了DNAPL与水相交界面对界面分配示踪剂的吸附作用;(3)在本实验范围内(Br^-浓度C_(Br)≤200mg/L),K_d值与Br^-浓度呈良好的线性关系(K_d=0.00032C_(Br)+0.0798),可用于对砂介质的K_d值进行估算和验证。
The dense nonaqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL)-water interracial area is a key parameter for the rate of DNAPL dissolution in groundwater, In the present study, the DNAPL-water interfacial area at residual saturation was measured using interracial partitioning tracer tests (IPTT) method in a two-dimensional flow cell. The influence of nonreactive tracer Br- on the measurement of DNAPL-water interfacial area was analyzed. Two sets of experiments were conducted. For the first set, Br- and interfacial partitioning tracer were injected in turn, and for the second set, Br- and interracial partitioning tracer were injected at the same time. The results showed that: (1) in the two sets of experiments, the measured equilibrium sorption coefficient Kd were 0. 079 mL/g and 0. 142 mL/g respectively, which indicated that the presence of Br- increased the adsorption of media to interracial partitioning tracer; (2) the measured interfacial area were 215 cm^2 and 237 cm^2 respectively, which indicated that the presence of Brincreased the interface adsorption to interracial partitioning tracer; (3) The was a linear relationship between Ka value and Brconcentration (Kd = 0. 00032CBr + 0. 0798, CBr ≤200mg/L) , which can be used for Kavalue estimation of sand media.