2016年7月6日凌晨新疆喀什地区叶城县柯克亚乡玉赛斯(六村)发生滑坡堰塞坝溃决泥石流灾害,造成36人死亡、6人失踪、7户民房被完全毁坏,其余数十间房屋和大量基础设施不同程度受损。现场调查研究表明:(1)此次灾害性泥石流形成过程为:降雨→土质滑坡→滑坡堰塞坝→堰塞湖→堰塞坝溃决→泥石流;(2)9#土质滑坡堰塞坝在持续强降雨作用下发生溃决,溃口洪峰流量达977.8 m3/s,形成堰塞坝溃决型泥石流,致使1#土质滑坡堰塞坝发生串联溃决,其溃决洪峰流量为459.2 m3/s;(3)泥石流断面流速为4.51-6.51 m/s,断面流量为443.2-524.7 m3/s,泥石流堆积扇最大长度283.9 m,最大宽度234.3 m。
On July 6th, 2016, a catastrophic debris flow hit Six villages nearby Kekeya town, Yecheng County of Xinjiang province, causing 42 people dead or missing and seven houses destruction. Field investigation revealed that the formation of catastrophic debris flow was stimulated by the successive rainfall, soil landslide, landslide dam, barrier lake breaking and then debris flow. The No. 9 soil landslide dam failed due to lasting concentrated precipitation and form debris flow with a peak rate of 977.8 m3/s. The No. 1 soil landslide failed in tandem type, with a peak flow rate 459.2 m3/s. The debris flow velocity varied from 4.51m/s to 6.51m/s, and discharge of debris flow reached to 524.7ma/s. The maximum length of debris flow accumulated fan was 283.9m, with the maximum width 234.3 m.