The typical Mesozoic floras are mainly composed of Filicopsida, Cycadopsida, Ginkgopsida and Coniferopsida, as well as some Bryophyta, Lycopdopsida, Sphenopsida and other seed plants. The palaeoclimatic implications of main fossil plants of the Mesozoic except the angiosperms are dealt with in this paper based on their morphologic and anatomic features, taphonomic data, geographic distribution and comparisons with their living affinitive groups. The Mesozoic plants with palaeoclimatic significances are roughly divided into four groups. The first one, which represents temperate-humid climate, consists of bryophytes; Lycopodites and Selaginellites of lycopods; sphenophytes; ferns including the Early Cretaceous Dicksoniaceae, Ruffordia of Schizaeaceae, Osmundaceae and Cladophlebis with large pinnules, monolete spore ferns, the main elements of the Ginkgoales; conifers including Athrotaxoites, Cunninghamia, Elatocladus, Swedenborgia, Cephalotaxopsis, Sequoia, Taxus, Torreya, Ferganiella, Podozamites, and etc..The second group mainly includes the Pinaceae of conifers and some of Ginkgopsida, especially the Czekanowskiales, which usually indicate a moderate-cool climate. The third group indicates warm tropical and subtropical climate, which mainly consists of ferns, such as Schizaeaceae, Marratiaceae, Matoniaceae, Dipteridaceae, Cyatheaceae, Gleicheniaceae and the possible sinopteridaceous fern Onychiopsis and most of the Cycadales and Bennettitales. The fourth group adapted to warm-arid climate is represented chiefly by the lycopod Pleuromeia and Isoetites; fern Weichselia; Bennettitales, such as Otozamites, Zamites, Ptilophyllum, Tyrmia, and etc.; the Cheirolepidaceae including Pseudoflenelopsis, Flenelopsis, Hirmeriella and the possible cheirolepidaceous conifers Brachyphyllum and Pagiophyllum; cupressaceous conifer Cupressinocladus; as well as the possible desert plant Ephedrites.