In the light of the fact of the three-phase flow ( gas, oil and water ) in the oil layer when the oil well flowing pressure is relatively lower, the calculating model of the flowabitity parameters for the above performance is established by considering the differences in the three-phase flow velocities. On the basis of the above, the classic Vogel equation is modified and a new IPR ( inflow-performance relationship) model is also setup. The model is characterized by inflection point, namely, liquid production decreases with the drop of the flowing pressure when the flowing pressure is relatively lower. The simulated results show that under the conditions of the defined oil-reservoir parameters, the water cut is the primary factor of influencing the minimum flowing pressure limit ( i. e. the corresponding flowing pressure of the maximum production point) , and moreover the minimum limit decreases with the increase of the water content ratio. The minimum flowing pressure limit in Xingnan Oilfield is 0. 5m-1. 5 MPa