The cranial and postcranial remains found in Liujiang are the most complete and wellpreserved late Pleistocene human fossils ever unearthed in South China. Wu Rukang, who conducted the original study, suggested that even though the Liujiang fossils preserve some primitive, late Pleistocene features, a suite of modem Mongoloid features were also present. Wu considered the Liujiang human as proto-Mongoloid. However, because the exact layer that yielded the fossils is unclear and different radiometric dates exist, the age of the Liujiang fossils remains uncertain. Since the Liujiang discovery (A. D. 1958)many advances have been made in paleoanthropology, with more detailed understanding of geographical and morphological variation, and the mechanisms and possible environmental influences on the evolution of our species. New hypotheses on late Pleistocene human evolution, and the formation and differentiation of modem East Asian populations have been proposed With these new insights, the Liujiang fossils were re-examined. We proposed the following questions related to Liujiang and late Pleistocene human evolution in East Asia: (1)Does Liujiang' s morphological pattern fit with its suggested minimal age of 67 Ka BP; (2)Compared with modem East Asian populations, how morphologically modem are the Liujiang fossils, and how many derived traits do the Liujiang fossils still exhibit; (3)How different morphologically are the Liujiang fossils compared to the northern Zhoukoudian("ZKD") Upper Cave specimens(i, e., Upper Cave 102 and 103), or to the modem southern Mongoloid populations? With these questions in mind, we analyzed and compared the craniae of Liujiang and ZKD Upper Cave to affinities. Our results show: ( 1 ) The expressions 1114 modem Chinese craniae of various geographic of most cranial features on Liujiang fall within the modem range of variation, but there are a few exceptions; (2)Several primitive features like lower orbit can be observed on Liujiang, indicating that