消费者依恋(consumer attachment)是联结消费者与特定消费对象的认知、情感和意动性的心理纽带.相关理论是20世纪80年代以来在心理学领域的依恋理论基础上发展起来的。基于关系营销和态度理论两大背景。消费者依恋理论日益引发西方营销学者的关注,但对中国市场营销学界来说相关研究还近乎空白。论文通过对近20年来西方学者有关消费者依恋研究文献的系统梳理.进一步明晰了消费者依恋的概念内涵、测度方法与作用机理。在对西方消费者依恋理论进行全面述评的基础上.论文对其未来的研究趋势进行了初步探讨。以期为我国市场营销学界开展相关学术研究提供有益的借鉴和启示。
The consumer attachment is a mental bond of perception, affection and intent between consumers and given consumer goods. The relevant theories originate from the attachment theory in psychology in the 1980s. The consumer attachment theory based on relationship marketing and attitude theory is attracting attentions from more than more Western scholars. But in China, there seems to be no such studies. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature regarding the Western researches on consumer attachment in the recent 20 years, this paper clarifies the conceptual essence, measurement means and functional mechanism of consumer attachment. Following the systemic review Western consumer attachment theories, this paper discusses the research directions in the future in order to provide some references and insights for Chinese marketing researchers.