为了探讨森林公园声景观研究和规划设计方法,以紫金山国家森林公园为研究对象,采用野外实地观测与问卷调查相结合的方法,在Arc GIS 9.3平台上建立声景观空间数据库。在此基础上,选取与声景观有关的林分、地形、人类干扰等11个景观因子,对紫金山国家森林公园的声景观协调度进行趋势面分析与地理加权回归分析。结果表明:高声景观协调度地点主要分布在紫金山森林公园东北部,而低协调度地点主要分布在南部和西北部边缘区域;声景观协调度在空间分布上呈现出东部高、中间较低、边缘最低的片状分布趋势;声景观协调度与林分生长状况及其所处位置的坡向呈正相关,与道路、居民点等人为因素的干扰呈负相关。最后,采用"一核四区"的模式,对研究区声景观做了初步规划。
In order to fill the academic blank of soundscape research in the current forest park planning management field,Zijin Mountain National Forest Park was chosen as the research object,while a soundscape spatial database was set up based on the platform of Arc GIS 9. 3 by combing field survey data and questionaire survey method. Eleven environmental factors closely related with soundscape,such as stand,terrain and human disturbance were generated to do surface trend analysis,geographically weighted regression( GWR) of soundscape on the platform of Arc GIS 9. 3. Research results showed: Spots with high soundscape harmony value was mainly distributed on the northeast of the mountain,while the spots with low harmony value was located at the south and the northwest edge of the park. The spatial pattern of soundscape harmony value showed a zonal distribution trend that the spots with high harmony value was located at east,medium in the center,the lowest on the edge. Soundscape harmony value is positively correlated with forest growth status,altitude of the scenic forest,and the slope,negatively correlated with density of the settlement and road. In terms of the results of the study,a pattern of"one nuclear and four areas"would be put forward to establish the frame of preliminary soundscape plan.