The high-speed train system provides us a swift communication.But the dynamic behavior of bridg-es caused by high-speed trains has become an important issue.Aiming to the vehicles-track-bridge dynamical characteristics of passenger-lines,based on the previous literatures,the finite-element model of vehicle-unbal-last track-bridge is proposed.Because of the complicity of the whole model,in this papert,wo subsystems are investigated.The first subsystem is vehicle-unballast track model.The second subsystem is unballast track-bridge model.These two subsystems can be coupled via wheel and rail interaction forces.Using Hamilton theory,the stiffness matrix,mass matrix and damping matrix for these two subsystems can be deduced.The total stiffness matrix,total mass matrix and total damping matrix for vehicle and track coupling system can be for-mulated by the usual assembling technique the finite element method.The dynamical finite element equations can be solved by Newmark-β method.At same time,the analyzed program is realized by Matlab.By comparison with the literature,it shows they indicate good agreement.Secondly,taking China new vehicles and unbal-last track as an example,vertical of China passenger-line is investigated.