为研究HIRA基因在半滑舌鳎胚胎发育中的作用及其组织差异表达,以半滑舌鳎为研究对象,采用同源克隆策略从其精巢中分离了长度为764bp的HIRA部分cDNA序列,该片段编码254个氨基酸,具有5个wD结构域。对氨基酸进行比较发现,半滑舌鳎HIRA与比较物种的氨基酸序列具有很高的同源性,与红鳍东方纯亲缘关系最近。实时定量PCR分析发现,HIRA mRNA在多细胞期到原肠胚期的表达量较高,表明HIRA对胚胎发育起重要作用;HIRA在不同组织中表达差异显著,其中在性腺中表达最高,推测HIRA在维持性腺的功能方面有一定作用。
To investigate the function of HIRA gene in the embryonic development and tissue differential expression of half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis, partial HIRA cDNA of 764 bp was isolated from C. semilaevis by homologous clone method. The fragment encodes peptide of 254: amino acids, and it shares high homology with Takifugu rubripes ' s HI RA gene as shown by the phylogenetic tree based on the neighbor-joining method. The HIRA gene may play a vital role in the embryonic development of C. semilaevis, supported by the relatively higher mRNA expressions of HIRA at early developmental stages as shown by realtime PCR analy sis. In addition, HIRA mRNA expression was extremely high in gonads compared to the other tis sues, which indicates that HIRA gene may also help gonads to maintain their normal functions.