Based on the data^from2009to2013,on the GEM listed companies,this paper explores the relationship betweenthe media govemance?the political Connection and the campames R&-D inye&tment.Empirical test shows that thestronger the media goviefnance,the more the companies/R&-D investm ent,whieh implies;that the media can effectivelyplay the role of supervision and go'eemance,and prom ate the companies"innovation.Further analysis shows that the politicalconnection can play a yeveise regulation role in tlie relEtiorLship between the media governance and the R&D investment.The result means that the political connection inhibits the governanee of the media,Tke study enriclie§;the contentof innovation and madia governafieat and proTideis valuable theofetical reference for the c〇mpanijes,R&-D iny6iStment deei-SiOti,