基于IDA的反编译中,首先利用IDA作为反汇编的前端,通过以IDA plug-in编写的连接器来导出IDA的反汇编相关结果信息,然后以导出的信息为基础,进行汇编语言到中间语言的翻译、过程/函数的恢复及数据流和控制流分析等后续反编译过程。阐述了利用IDA连接器,在导出反汇编相关结果信息的基础上,设计并实现了从汇编语言到中间语言的转换。
In the process ofdecompiling based on IDA, the IDA is used as the disassembly front, and the connector which is the form of IDA plug-in exports the reference disassembly result. Then, the rest process of decompilation is translating the disassembly language to the intermediate language, process recovering, data flow analysis, control flow analysis and so on. How to design and implement the intermediate language is introduced, which is based on the exported disassembly result by using the IDA connector.