In order to investigate soil geometric characteristic, complexity of network and self similarity regularity in drying-wetting cycle process, laboratory tests were carried out to study the propagation and the closure law under multiple drying-wetting cycles by using the technology of digital image processing and Matlab measurement function to analyze soil crack network geometric and fractal characteristics in the different moisture content. The results show that under the effect of drying-wetting process, the crack area rate and mean width decreases when soil crack is stable; the effect of drying-wetting circulation on the crack decreases with the increase of the cycle frequency; the crack skeleton length under steady state is almost not affected; in the development process of the crack, the length reached a steady state in ad- vance before area ratio, and average width, which means that crack width growth is the main aspects in the late development stage; the increase of the connectivity of fracture network tend to be stable at the third time after drying-wetting cycles. The fractal characteristic of crack network for the first time in the drying process curve is smoother than that by the effect of drying-wetting. After wetting-drying cycles, the moisture content of the crack network is formed in advance, and the fractal dimension of the crack network in the steady state increases with the increase of the frequency of wetting-drying cycles.