Assembly global supply chain is very general in Chinese smartphone,computer and auto industry,the core component of these products such as processors and engines must import from abroad with high price,so the influence of exchange rate fluctuation could be very large.Under this background,the article considers an assembly global supply chain including one manufacturer and two suppliers in this assembly global supply chain and the core supplier is supplier 1 which is in foreign country.This article compares three operational strategies to deal with exchange rate fluctuation under disruption management perspective:The supply chain do nothing,the supplier 1 take action unilaterally and the supply chain take action coordinately.The research finds that the supply chain should do noting when the fluctuation has less volatile.Otherwise,the supply chain should take action coordinately.The core supplier(supplier 1) takes action unilaterally isn't the best choice no matter how the exchange rate fluctuates.In addition,this article finds that the supply chain takes action coordinately can increase robustness of supply chain.