利用GiemsaC-带和染色体荧光啄位杂交(45SrDNAFISH)的方法对‘Royal Lace’x‘HighClass’的杂种后代分别进行了鉴定:结果表明:‘RoyalLace’的染色雄数2n=3x=36,‘HighClass’的染色体数2n=2x=24。杂种后代的染色体数出现2n=3x=36和2n=4x=48两种类型=经GiemsaC0带和45SrDNAFISH方法对两个亲本和具2n=4x:48的杂种后代分析结果表明,杂种后代的根尖染色体C-带可观察到来自双亲的可以特异追踪的染色体带纹。FISH分析表明,杂种后代中分别有两条来自‘RoyalLace’和‘HighClass’的染色体?两个亲本的荧光原位杂交点数分别为10和9:杂种后代染色体为2n=36的个体有14个杂交信号,可以确定两条来自‘RoyalLace’,另外3条来自‘HighClass’:杂种后代中2n=48的个体的杂交信号点为19,从而证实所获得的杂种后代的真实性。同时,对于2n=48,而杂交信号为19的多倍体起源于未减数分裂的2n雄配子体的可能性进行了探讨。综合研究结果表明,GiemsaC0带和45SrDNAFISH方法可以准确地对百合的杂种真实性进行鉴定。
In this study, hybrid plants from the crosses hetween ' Royal Lace' x ' High Class' were analyzed with Gi- emsa C - banding and 45S rDNA FISH. The results showed that, the number of chromosomes was 2n = 3x = 36 for 'Royal Lace' , 2n=2x=24 for 'High Class' and2n=3x=36 or2n=4x--48 for two different hybrids, respectively. The special C -banging patterns of two parents can be found in their hybrids. By FISH analysis, 14 hybridization locies were detected in the hybrids of 2n = 36. Two chromosomes from ' Royal I.ace' and three chromosomes from ' High Class' can be identified clearly. And there were 19 hybridization locies to be distinguished for 2n = 48 hybrids,which also suggested that these hybrids might relate to be the contributed by unreduced male gametes (2n). All of these evidences clearly confirmed that, the plants were true hybrids.