Aiming at the characteristics of multi-projection images, the paper proposes a registration algorithm, which makes use of the mutual information of the nodule candidates near to each other in the multi-projection images of the same patient to reduce the number of false positive nodules. The nodule candidates were determined in the steps of initial detection as well as precise identification and segmentation, feature extraction and classification. At the sensi- tivity of 65% , 11.3 false positive nodules per image were determined in average. Then, the detected nodule candi- dates were registered using the mutual information, and the number of false positive nodules was further reduced to 1.9 per image in average. Even though the noise level in the chest radiography was high, the nodule size was small and the contrast of most nodules was low, a satisfactory performance was still achieved. Therefore, the proposed lung nodule registration algorithm can effectively improve the performance of nodule detection.