In order to analyze the influence of flexible gear on the dynamic characteristics of gear transmission system,the flexible gear-flexible rotor-journal bearing dynamic model was built,taking the varying meshing stiffness and nonlinear friction into account. The results showed that the flexible model,is more suitable than the rigid model when analyzing the dynamic characteristics of light gear system that has large deformation. The sub-asynchronous vibration and axial vibration amplitude apparently exist in the start-up period of flexible gear system,which are not found in rigid model. However,high speed and heavy duty are better for maintaining steady operation of gear system,but will cause more radiated noise. The dynamic meshing force fluctuation and axial radiation noise are the largest in the startup working condition than those in the acceleration,deceleration and stop working conditions. The result is of positive significance to the design of a light,thin gear and to the ascertainment of the gear transmission's full operating dynamic characteristics.