To deal with the energy-efficient routing selection problem of the Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN), an Energy- Efficient routing algorithm with Location information and Double cluster heads based on Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed clustering (HEED-EELD) was proposed. Assuming that all the network nodes had location awareness capabilities, the network was divided into different hierarchies according to the best single-hop distance, so the nodes determined their hierarchies based on their locations. Double cluster heads were selected to share a single cluster head's work and to balance the energy consumption. In the inter-cluster multi-hop routing, the cluster head selected the optimal route based on location, distance and cost function about residual energy. Matlab simulation results show that, compared with Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) algorithm, HEED algorithm, HEED-EELD has obvious advantages in terms of network lifetime, energy efficiency and energy balancing.