语言逻辑对预设现象的分析经历了从“真假性”到“恰当性”再到“动态性”的发展过程。预设一般被看做交际双方的共知信息(mutual information)或无争议信息(non-controversial information),如果从动态的视角来看,预设也可以传递新信息(new information)。预设的构成是异质的(heterogeneous),有关预设的研究应注意运用动态的方式来考察,即需要区别是着眼于说话人、听话人还是交际双方的过程视角。采用动态的预设观还可以发现语用预设具有一系列新特征:不确定性、可移动性、层次性。
The research on presupposition in logics and linguistics has seen the changes in perspectives from truth conditions to felicity, then to a dynamic point of view. Traditionally, presupposition is studied mainly from its true or false conditions. This is truth condition analysis. However, Allwood explicitly voiced the uncertainty that such an analysis can be used to deal with the natural language. Because in natural language there also exists "#" proposition which is neither true nor false. In order to deal with such cases, the felicity analysis of the presupposition was suggested, which regards the presupposition as the felicitous conditions related to the corresponding context. In fact, the pragmatic analysis on presupposition must take the following three perspectives into consideration, which are the speaker, the hearer, and the communication process itself. This new method can be called the dynamic analysis of the presupposition. Different arguments over presupposition studies result from the lack of a dynamic perspective on the phenomenon. The presupposition has often been viewed as the mutual background knowledge or the non-controversial information. As a matter of fact, it is also capable of transmitting new information in the communication if a dynamic perspective is adopted in the study. Through a dynamic analysis there are two kinds of presuppositions. One is the basic common knowledge shared by both the speaker and hearer, while the other is the speaker's intention which the hearer can infer from the assertion and usually the new information. To put it simply, the former is Called conventional presupposition and the latter intentional presupposition. Generally speaking, the presupposition shares the characteristics of felicity, common ground, the covertness and defeasibility. However these features are often discussed without even considering the speaker, the hearer or the communication process. Besides these familiar features, the presupposition has some new features such as vagueness, mobility