Effects of proply gallate treatment on freshness of harvested longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour. )fruits were investigated. The harvested longan fruits were dipped in 5 mmol/L proply gallate for 20 min, while, the control fruits were dipped in distilled water. The fruits were dried prior to packaging and stored at (15± 1 )℃. During fruit storage, the changes of postharvest physiology, quality and fresh- keeping effect of harvested longan fruits were determined. The results showed that compared with the control fruits, the treatments with proply gallate could effectively reduce fruit respiration rate, delay the increase of cell membrane relative leakage rate in pericarp, keep higher contents of pulp nutritional ingredients such as total sugars, sucrose and vitamin C, and higher contents of chlorophyll, carotenoid, flavonoid and total phenolies in pericarp, decrease pericarp browning index and aril breakdown index, and keep higher healthy fruit percentage. After 6 d storage at( 15 ± 1 ) ℃ , there were 85% healthy fruit in proply gallate-treated longan fruits, while only 72% healthy fruit in the control fruits. From the results it can be concluded that the treatment of 5 mmol/L proply gallate dipping for 20 min can effectively delay fruit senescence, increase fruit quality and fresh-keeping effect of harvested longan fruits.