高山地区被认为是对全球气候变化最敏感的区域之一,气候变暖导致高山生境内生物与非生物环境因子发生不同程度的改变,从而引起高山植物从不同层面作出不同的变化或响应.综述了高山及亚高山高海拔生境内,植物从宏观生态系统层面到微观个体生理层面对全球气候变化进行响应的研究进展.植物由个体自身的生理及形态上产生不同响应,逐步经过"瀑布式上升效应(Cascade effects)",最后引起整个高山生态系统的转变.受局地差异性及物种差异性影响,生物多样性在不同高山地区呈现出或是增加或是减少的趋势;林线及植被向高纬度、高海拔地区扩张;植物间相互关系由协作转向中性乃至竞争;植物物候、繁殖、生物量生产、光合作用、年轮生长、营养结构等方面均呈现出不同的响应模式.这些从微观到宏观的不同响应模式,最终将引起高山生态系统在结构、功能上的改变,进而在很大范围上威胁到高山植物的生存与发展.最后提出该领域未来的研究重点.参147
As one of the most sensitive regions to climatic changes,the face of alpine habitats is experiencing great changes during the past decades.In terms of alpine plant species,global warming would lead to their changes in many different aspects.This paper reviewed the studies of the responses of alpine and subalpine plants to global warming.In face of global warming,changes in plant individuals' physiology and morphology would firstly emerge,which further give rise to the changes in interactions among plant species.Progressively affected by cascade effects the whole ecosystem would change greatly in structure,vegetation distribution pattern,biomass productivity,plant biodiversity and so on.Following the increasing of air temperature,the positions of treeline in both high latitudes and high elevations were commonly observed to advance.The general facilitations among alpine plant species would diminish as the ameliorating of environmental conditions in the past decades due to climate changes and human activities.Overall,the responses of alpine plant species were reflected in all aspects of survival,production and reproduction of plant life.On the other hand,the responses of plant assemblages such as species diversity in different regions were idiosyncratic which was dependent on abiotic and biotic factors in different plant communities.All those studies provided evidences that the impact of anthropogenically induced climate changes on alpine plant species would finally result in the changes in the structure and function of alpine ecosystem.In combination with domestic studies,at last several schemes of the studies in the field of alpine plants' responses to global warming are listed for the future work.Ref 147