Water shortage,especially in Liaoning province,has become the major bottle-neck for the regeneration of major old industrial bases in China.The total-factor decomposition model was constructed in this paper to measure the economic growth effect,industrial construction effect and water utilization intensity effect of driving mechanism for water utilization change in Liaoning Province from 1994 to 2007.The contribution ratio of each effect on water utilization change was calculated,and the temporal differences of these effects were analyzed.The total-factor decomposition model was also applied to measure the three kinds of effect of 14 cities in Liaoning for the period 1994-2007,and combining the ISODATA cluster model to cluster the effect in space,the spatial difference of effects was carried out.The results showed that:economic growth increased the amount of water and water utilization intensity,while industrial construction decreased water utilization.The results of this paper have significance for exactly understanding the relation of water utilization and economic development,and also has a certain reference significance for the regulation of industrial policies and sustainable development.