Eco-compensation mechanism for the river valley area is an important means for solving the problems or conflicts related to the use of water resources in such area.Its theoretical foundation includes the external environmental theory,the eco-service function theory,the eco-property theory and public property theory.As an institutional innovation for the management of the river valley area,eco-compensation covers the following: its scope and system,the determination of the compensation subject and object as well as their responsibilities,the basic principle of eco-service compensation,the compensation standards,ways,agreements,funds and policies.The eco-compensation mode in China relies mainly on the government's transfer payment at the national or local levels with the free-market trading system as the supplement.This paper brings up the following policy proposals: to establish a national eco-compensation mechanism with different areas for different responsibilities,to increase eco-investment for more benefits,to establish a multi-channel financial mechanism and management system,and to establish a three-stage compensation mechanism for a good planning and sustainable development.