Rivers are amongst the most dynamic geomorphological elements of the landscape. One spectacular hypothesis, i. e., the prominence of the meandering river in the Middle Paleozoic was geneti- cally and closely related to the bloom of terrestrial vegetation, leads to the further research on the sedimen- tological impact of the terrestrial vegetation to fluvial deposits. Although there were some different recogni- tions or controversies, more and more geological facts supported that terrestrial vegetation had made obvi- ous impact on fluvial sedimentation. On the basis of the research results finished by predecessors, this pa- per will introduce the coupling relationship between the origin and evolution of the terrestrial vegetation andthe fluvial sedimentation especially for the change of river styles according to evolutionary stages of the ter- restrial vegetation and the key events occurred in the early-middle period of the Paleozoic. Seeking these important advancements will be helpful to the right interpretation of fluvial deposits, and will provide in- sights for the modern and ancient fluvial processes. Furthermore, the Paleozoic colonization of terrestrial landscapes by embryophytes (land plants) was among the most profound changes in the long river of Earth history. Global changes that are genetically related to this profound change include: (1) drawdown of atmospheric CO2 due to enhanced rock weathering and carbon storage; (2) the Late Paleozoic glaci- ation; and (3) marine extinctions linked to increased runoff of terrestrial nutrients, and so on. There- fore, the sedimentological impact of the terrestrial vegetation on fluvial sedimentation becomes an impor- tant theme on biosedimentation studies.