This paper presents a new model for edge extraction of MR images, based on curve evolution and edgeflow techniques. At first the model for curve evolution is constructed, which automatically detect boundaries, and change of topology in terms of the edgeflow fields, and then the numerical approximation of the model is introduced, which is based on semi-implicit scheme to speed up the proposed approach. Finally, the numerical implementation is present and the experimental results show that the proposed model successfully extracts the edge contours, regardless of the heavy noise.
This paper presents a new model for edge extraction of MR images, based on curve evolution and edgeflow techniques. At first the model for curve evolution is constructed, which automatically detect boundaries, and change of topology in terms of the edgeflow fields, and then the numerical approximation of the model is introduced, which is based on semi-implicit scheme to speed up the proposed approach. Finally, the numerical implementation is present and the experimental results show that the proposed model successfully extracts the edge contours, regardless of the heavy noise.