首次在四川江油马鞍塘天井山组顶部发现Thalassinoides suevicus,属于Glossifungites遗迹相,属滨海或潮下带在未完全石化的、处于半固结状态的沉积底质上所产生的遗迹化石组合,发育在停积面上,因受到下伏硬底构造的限制,仅产于上表面,没有向下发展,是该地区从开阔海台地相转变为局限海台地相的证据。
Thalassinoides suevicus at the top of the Tianjingshan Formation in the Maantang section, Jiangyou, Sichuan could be assigned to the Glossifungites ichnofacies which usually occurs on the firm ground and the omission surface. The Glossifung ites ichnofacies is limited by the underlying lithified hardground and only develops on the top surface. The appearance of Glossifungites ichnofacies at the top of Tianjingshan Formation with the change of sedimentary facies from marine carbonate deposits to marine clastic deposits reflect that this region in the Carnian transitioned form to restricted marine from open marine plat platform.