在网格环境中,多数节点希望能够更多地使用其他节点的资源,而不愿共享本地的资源.每个理性的用户在追求自身利益最大化的同时,严重影响了协作整体的运行效率.在实际应用中,要吸引资源的拥有者加入资源协作,就必须保证其利益和安全.讨论了资源激励机制和分配机制之间的依赖与制约关系,从经济、信任角度提出自适应的信任一激励相容的资源分配机制.在网格环境中,资源供需的变化会引发价格的浮动,基于经济学的一般均衡理论,给出了资源提供者的动态价格调整策略.提供者可根据当前资源的供需和负载状况,制定自适应的信任一激励相容的分配策略ATIM(adaptive trust-incentive compatible resource allocation),遵循多贡献多分配的原则,激励节点共享出有价值的资源,最大化资源的聚合效用.在CROWN(China research and development environment over wider-area network)平台中评估了ATIM机制的效率和性能.
In grid environment, when every participating node tries to maximize its own utility, the overall utility of the collaboration drops. In the worst case scenario, grid resources are easily depleted due to selfish users taking free rides without offering any sharing resource. Certain resource management scheme has to be implemented on grid systems to ensure them working properly and to achieve better scalability. In this paper, the relationship of resources incentive and allocation in the grid is discussed. In grid computing, the evaluation of shared resource is the key to allocate and manage them. To address the issue, the price strategy of sellers and an adaptive trust-incentive compatible resource allocation mechanism ATIM (adaptive trust-incentive compatible resource allocation) are presented to ensure the balance of supply and demand, promote the users to share valuable resource, and maximize resource utility. Intending for a secure collaborative environment, the framework considers the factors of trust and economy to ensure the steady development of grid resource market. This approach is also evaluated by comprehensive experiments in CROWN (China research and development environment over wider-area network).