As one of the most serious saltwater intrusion in the muddy coast of China, the saline groundwater resources in the south coast of the Laizhou Bay are abundant owing to three transgression layers since the Late Pleistocene. The saltwater intrusion layers occur at a depth of less than 80 m of the confined aquifer and the upper shallow aquifer. A tracer method is used to explore the dispersion effect, calculate the penetration velocity and investigate the transformation range of the pollutants labeled by Rhodamine in the saltwater aquifers. According to our analyses, the confined aquifers with silt or clayey silt have uniform groundwater flow, and the change in tracer concentration generally follows the normal distribution. In the salt-water area, the tracer test has an amplification effect on velocity when tracer moves along the groundwater flow. In this test, the groundwater flow velocity ranges from 0. 25 to 0.38 m/s, the tracer flow velocity varies between 0. 36 and 1.09 m/d, the average tracer flow velocity is 0.61 m/d, and the average Darcy flow velocity is 0.29 m/ d. The velocity of tracer flow is 2. 1 times that of the Darcy flow.