本项“药物滥用流行病学调查”研究分为以下三个方面:(1)甘肃、贵州、湖南、辽宁、浙江五省药物滥用流行病学调查.目的是了解甘肃等五省药物滥用流行水平并探索在我国开展社区药物滥用流行病学调查的方法.2004年6月-2005年7月共在甘肃等五省调查了30个区县,34个城镇社区和85个行政/自然村,15-50 a有效调查人口161 888人.(2)药物滥用快速评估调查方法学研究.采用Delphi方法,在禁毒和药物滥用防治专家以及药物滥用人群中进行调查评估.这项工作目前在北京完成了预调查,进一步的调查正在实施之中.(3)阿片依赖复吸的流行病学调查.此研究包括纳曲酮预防复吸的回顾性调查和海洛因成瘾者复吸情况调查两个方面.纳曲酮预防复吸的回顾性调查表明,该药预防复吸效果明确,作为一个复吸预防维持用药,具有在社区、家庭中应用的明显优势.但纳曲酮也有局限性.
This epidemiological research of drug abuse is divided into three parts: (1) Community - based epidemiological survey of drug abuse in Gansu, Guizhou, Hunan, Liaoning and Zhejiang, the main objective of which is to survey the prevalence level of drug abuse in the areas mentioned above . This community - based survey was conducted from June 2004 to July 2005. The sample covering the population aged from 15 to 50 years old, and the number of total valid population covered was 161 888 who were from 34 communities and 85 villages affiliated to 30 districts or counties at the period of survey. (2) Rapid assessment method (RAM) was used to estimate the true number of heroin abusers and "new type of drugs" (methamphetamine, MDMA and ketamine) abusers. The Delphi method was used in specialists and drug users, respectively in Beijing, which is being conducted now. (3) Evaluation on the efficacy of naltrexone (NTX) for relapse prevention as a maintenance therapy for heroin addicts by a multi - center study in Guangdong, Beijing and Ningbo. The conclusion is that NTX appears to be a promising pharmacotherapy for relapse prevention in heroin addicts, and has obvious advantage in family or community - based maintenance therapy. However, NTX can produce few side effects and has some limited utility for some heroin addicts.