Nocturnal temperature is crucial in stability determination, as well as parameterization in numerical models. In the present research, data from four tall towers are used to investigate the temperature oscillations observed in the stable boundary layer, including the 307-m Boseong Tower on the southern coast of Korea, a 100-m tower in a grassland area of northern China, a 70-m tower in a desert area in northwestern China, and the 32S-m Beijing Tower. Large temperature oscillations, with amplitudes of about 2℃ and periods of several minutes to tens of minutes, are detected. Using the empirical mode decomposition method working as a high-pass filter, the oscillations of temperature are extracted from the original non-stationary and nonlinear temperature data. The daily variations and vertical distribution of the temperature oscillations are discussed. Generally strong temperature oscillations are found at tens of meters high during nighttime in the coastal area, in the steppe, and in the desert, when stable conditions have formed. Much weaker nocturnal temperature oscillations are observed in Beijing, where the large heat capacity of buildings and streets and artificial heat sources prevent the boundary layer conditions from becoming stable. Static stability expressed by the Brunt-Vaisala frequency is found to be an important factor for such temperature oscillation events, which is worthy of model parameterization.