To make database systems always provide consistent high performance under various workload conditions, it is necessary to optimize database system settings. With the system becoming more complex and workloads becoming more fluctuating, it is very hard for DBA to quickly analyze performance data and optimize the system properly, and people resort to promising database system self-optimization techniques to solve the performance problem. A data mining based optimization scheme for lock table of database sys- tems is presented. After training with performance data, a neural network becomes intelligent enough to predict system performance with newly provided configuration parameters. During system running, performance data are collected continuously for a rule engine, which choose the proper parameter of the lock table for adjusting, and the rule engine relies on the trained neural network to precisely provide the amount of adjustment. The selected parameter is adjusted according to the quantitative hints provided with the expectation that the system will perform better. The scheme is tested with TPC-C workload, the system' s throughput increases by about 16 percent.