A cesium double magneto-optical trap (MOT) system is established to prepare the cold atoms in the ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) chamber for cavity quantum electrodynamics (Cavity-QED) experiment. Utilizing a focused weak continuous-wave laser beam, the cold cesium atoms, which are cooled and trapped from the slow tail of cesium vapor at room temperature, are continuously transferred from vapor-cell MOT to UHV MOT. The effect of the transfer laser detuning upon the steady-state atoms number in UHV MOT, and loading process of double MOT are experimentally investigated. Typical pressures of the vapor-cell MOT and UHV MOT are -1×10^-6 Pa and -8×10^-8 Pa, respectively. Normally -5×10^7 and -5×10^6 cold cesium atoms with effective temperature of 72±4μK are loaded into the vapor-cell MOT and UHV MOT.