通过解剖皱大球坚蚧Eulecanium kuwanai Kanda雌成虫, 对寄生在其内的纽绵蚧跳小蜂Encyrtus sasakii Ishii的各个虫期的形态特征进行了观察比较,并做了显微拍照。结果显示,纽绵蚧跳小蜂一年发生一代,以蛹在寄主体内越冬。除虫体由龄期引起的个体差异外,纽绵蚧跳小蜂的一、二龄幼虫腹部末端都具有长形通气柄,到第三、四龄期其通气柄变为尾囊状构造。成虫期的雌性小蜂中胸小盾片为黄色,前翅淡烟色并有一个暗斑,上密生黑色粗毛;雄性的为黑色,前翅色淡,无暗斑。
Observed and compared the morphological characters of various instars of Encyrtus sasakii Ishii parasitized in Eulecanium kuwanai Kanda. Microphotographs were taken of the bodies. Study shows that: Encyrtus sasakii Ishii reproduces annually and overwinters as pupa in their host. Besides the individual differences resulting from development, the 1st and 2nd instar larvae have long breath pedicles in the end of abdomen, and with the larva molting during development, the exuvia accumulate at the end of the body, form a hollow sac called caudal sac that cover the breath pedicle during 3rd and 4th instar larvae. The scutulis of females are yellow, and foreside of wings is light fumed with a dark blotch covered by dense black thick hairs. While the males are black brown, the wing is light in color without a dark blotch.