This article analyzes the relationship between typhoon in the northwestern Pacific and meiyu in the Yangtze and Huaihe valleys from 1949 to 2005. It points out that there is an obvious negative correlation, varying from-0.45 to -0.39, between meiyu precipitation and typhoon frequency both annually and in typhoon season. The main reasons are the different positions of monsoon trough, and the changes in intensity and locations of subtropical high. The characteristics of typhoon in an abnormal precipitation year are differentiated prominently: typhoon is inactive in the year when meiyu precipitation is abundant, the tracks of which direct northwesterly, and relatively more typhoons activate in the south of Taiwan and South China Sea; typhoon is more active in the year when meiyu precipitation is scarce, the tracks of which mainly direct westward or take turning, and relatively more typhoons activate in South China Sea and East China Sea; and landfall typhoon doubles.