Lei Yang was born in 1976. He received his Ph. D. degree in control science and engineering from the School of Electronics and Information Engineer- ing, Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2008. He worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Tongji Univer- sity from July 2008 to June 2010. Now he is an associate researcher and postgraduate advisor in School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automa-tion, Shanghai University. His research interests are artificial intelli- gence and pattern recognition, computer vision and image processing. E-mail: yangyoungya@sina.com Ning Zhang was born in 1989. He received his B.S. degree in automation from University of Science and Technology, Liaoning, in 2011 and M.S. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system in 2014. His research interests are human image processing and 3D surfaces recovery. E-mail: zhangning268@163.com Yanyun Ren was born in 1991. He received his B.S. degree in building electricity and intelligence from Jilin Architecture University in 2013. He is currently working towards his M.S. degree in pattern recogni- tion and intelligent system in Shanghai University. His research interests are obstacle and moving tar- get detection. E-mail:973911878@qq.com Huosheng Hu received his M.S. degree from the Central South University, China, in 1982, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Oxford, U.K., in 1993. He is a professor in School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK, leading the Robotics Research Group. He has pub- lished over 380 papers in journals, books and confer- ences. He is a fellow of IET and InstMC and a seniormember of IEEE and ACM. His research interests include autonomous mobile robots, human-robot interaction, evolutionary robotics, embedded systems, pervasive computing, data fusion, multi-robot collaboration, and networked robotics. E-mail: hhu@essex.ac.uk