为探讨南方稻区农户适应气候变化的保护性耕作行为,并对其影响因素进行理论探讨和实证检验。结合农户调研数据,运用Heckman Probit两步模型定量分析影响农户保护性耕作行为的因素。结果表明,农户适应气候变化保护性耕作行为受诸多因素的共同作用和影响,不仅包括农户个人及家庭特征,而且还包括社会资本、信息可获性及地量位置等因素,为政府制定推进适应气候变化保护性耕作技术提供决策参考。
The purposes of this paper is to analyze farmers' conservation tillage behavior in their attempt to adapt to climate change,and discuss its driving factors in different areas.The paper establishes a Heckman Probit model to analyze the empirical data obtained by survey in Jiangxi Province.The results show that the farmers' conservation tillage behavior are influenced and affected by many kinds of factors.Not only farmers' personal and family characteristics,but also social capital,information availability and land supply position may affect their conservation tillage behavior.All the above findings provide references and recommendations for the government on how to develop conservation tillage technology in order to adapt to climate change.