An all-fiber Raznan water vapor lidar system was proposed and designed based on fiber Fabry-Perot (F-P) filters in the visible wavelength domain, to achieve the fine-detection of the atmospheric water vapor and aerosol properties. The influences of cavity loss and the reflectance on the fitness, the transmission peak and bandwidth of fiber F-P filters were analyzed. Results show that the fiber F-P filter features a higher transmission peak and narrower bandwidth under the condition of the F-P cavity loss less than 3%. The combination of fiber band-pass filters and the two-cascade fiber F-P filters was used as fiber spectroscopic system and the corresponding parameters were designed to achieve narrow-band high-peak transmission of the Raman signals of water vapor (660 nm) and nitrogen (606 nm) and Mie-Rayleigh signals (532 nm), respectively, and obtain high rejection-rate of stray lights. By numerical simulations of the intensity distribution of returned signals, the water vapor vertical profile and the detection signal to noise ratio(SNR) were obtained respectively, to verify the feasibility of the system.