利用海岛探空资料和SSMI/S(special sensor microwave imager/sounder)–F16海上大气可降水量产品对AMER-2(advanced microwave scanning radiometer-2)2012年7月—2016年6月的海洋上空大气可降水量产品进行比对检验。结果表明: AMSR-2反演的海上大气可降水量与利用海岛探空资料计算所得值比对的一致性较好, 两者之间平均偏差为0.35 mm; 2012—2016年AMSR-2与SSMI/S-F16可降水月平均值的分布情况在热带辐合带、南太平洋辐合带和南大西洋辐合带可观测到相似的结构和特征, 两者平均偏差为–0.04 mm, 标准偏差为1.21 mm。检验的结果证明了AMSR-2反演的大气可降水产品精度满足产品设计指标, 而误差分析的相应结论对于未来优化水汽反演算法具有重要意义。
A validation of the total precipitable water (TPW) over sea surface derived from advanced microwave scanning radiometer-2 (AMSR-2) from July 2012 to June 2016 is conducted by comparing the special sensor microwave imager/sounder (SSMI/S-F16) and island radiosonde data. It is shown that the amount of TPW derived from AMSR-2 is consistent with that of the island radiosonde data with a mean difference of 0.35 mm. The structures and the characteristics of monthly mean TPW derived from AMSR-2 are quite similar to those of SSMI/S-F16 in the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone, South Pacific Convergence Zone, and South Atlantic Convergence Zone from 2012 to 2016. The mean difference between AMSR-2 and SSMI/S-F16 is –0.04 mm, while the standard deviation is 1.21 mm.