【目的】因土壤类型、养分管理措施不同导致施肥后作物的增产效应不同,由此影响经济效益。通过研究当前我国北方玉米产区氮、磷、钾施用对玉米的增产效应和经济效益,分析给定施肥效应、肥料和玉米价格情况下玉米的经济效益变化,为我国北方玉米科学施肥和经济施肥提供一定的借鉴意义。【方法】2010 2012年在我国北方七省玉米种植区开展373个田间试验。试验设置基于产量反应和农学效率的推荐施肥(Nutrient Expert,简称NE),在此基础上设置减素处理包括不施氮、不施磷和不施钾处理,以农民习惯施肥为对照。依据产量和试验期间玉米和肥料价格计算了肥料氮、磷、钾施用的产投比。【结果】玉米各试验点产量效应变异很大,黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、河南、山东和山西各点的施氮产量效应分别为3040、2314、2324、981、2139、1184和1244 kg/hm2,施磷产量效应分别为1463、1216、1425、635、944、376和620 kg/hm2,施钾产量效应分别为1454、1063、1532、877、910、383和592 kg/hm2。氮、磷、钾素产量效应变化范围分别为341 7900 kg/hm2,11 5381 kg/hm2以及94097 kg/hm2,依次平均为1889、954和973 kg/hm2,表明不施氮对产量影响最大、其次为钾,不施磷对产量影响最小。经济效益分析结果表明,施用氮、磷和钾平均产投比(VCR)分别为2.8、7.8和4.6,即投入单位金额的氮、磷和钾养分可分别获得2.8、7.8和4.6倍的收益。预测不同肥料价格和玉米价格下的VCR表明,随着施肥增产效应的增加,即使施肥量增加,VCR也增加。收益多少随增产效应、施肥量、肥料和玉米价格而变化。采用专家系统推荐的N-P2O5-K2O用量(157-56-67 kg/hm2)获得的籽粒产量为10255 kg/hm2、经济效益为18903 yuan/hm2,同样地点农民习惯施肥N-P2O5-K2O(225-61-47 kg/hm2)获得的产量和经济效益分别为9996 kg/hm2和18154元/hm2。专家系统推荐施肥多获益748 yuan/
Objectives]Varied croP yie1d resPonses resu1ted from different soi1 tyPes,and different nutrient management Practices affect croP Profitabi1ity. The study on yie1d resPonses and economic benefits from ferti1izer N, P and K aPP1ication,and the changes of economic benefits under Projected yie1d resPonses,ferti1izer aPP1ication rates and different maize Prices wou1d Provide reference for scientific and economica1 ferti1ization for maize in Northern China.[Methods]Three hundred and seventy three fie1d exPeriments were conducted in seven Provinces in North China from 2010 to 2012 to exP1ore the yie1d resPonse and economics of ferti1izer N,P and K aPP1ication on maize. ExPeriments inc1uded Nutrient ExPert ferti1izer recommendation based on yie1d resPonse and agronomic efficiency,and series of omission P1ots inc1uding minus N,minus P and minus K treatment,and farmers’Practices as the contro1. Va1ue to cost ratio( VCR)from ferti1izer N,P and K was ca1cu1ated based on yie1ds,Prices of maize and ferti1izers,as comPared with farmers’Practice.[Results]Resu1ts obtained indicated that great variation existed in yie1d resPonses to ferti1izer N,P and K. The yie1d resPonses to N aPP1ication were 3040,2314,2324, 981,2139,1184 and 1244 kg/ha,those to P aPP1ication were 1463,1216,1425,635,944,376 and 620 kg/ha,and those to K aPP1ication were 1454,1063,1532,877,910,383 and 592 kg/ha,for Hei1ongjiang, Ji1in,Liaoning,Hebei,Henan,Shandong and Shanxi Province resPective1y. The yie1d resPonses to N,P and K aPP1ication ranged from 341-7900 kg/ha,11-5381 kg/ha and 9-4097 kg/ha,resPective1y,with average of 1889, 954 and 973 kg/ha. The resPonses suggest that the yie1ds are 1imited first by N,fo11owed by K,and P had the minor effect. Economic ana1ysis demonstrates that the VCR of aPP1ied N,P and K in maize were 2. 8,7. 8 and 4. 6 resPective1y suggesting that 2. 8,7. 8 and 4. 6 times of return with unit caPita1 inPut on ferti1izer N,P and K. Economic assessment based on Projected cost of ferti1izer and maize a1so show VCRs increase wit