Most models for calculating travel time reliability are neither able to reflect the influence of combined modal trips such as Park & Ride on network travel time reliability nor depict the dynamic fluctuation of reliability trajectory. Using weighted travel time variance as the reliability indicator, we establish a quasi-dynamic travel time reliability calculation model based on traffic assignment theory with Park & Ride travel mode. The model can be used to describe commuters' travel behavior when travel time reliabillity is taken into consideration and to show the dynamic trajectory of the network travel time reliability. Furthermore, we design an algorithm based on K-shortest paths algorithm together with the successive average method to solve the model, and use a classic network to verify the validity of both the model and the algorithm. Compared with traditional reliability calculation models which only consider single modal situation, the proposed model can be used to analyze the effect of Park & Ride travel mode on reducing traffic congestion and improving network travel time reliability; and to analyze the influence on travel time reliability caused by commuters' reliability preference.