阵列型射流放电等离子体克服了单管射流放电处理面积小的缺点,是获得大面积等离子体和提高处理灵活性的有效方式。本文报道了在低成本氩气中产生稳定大面积二维射流阵列的研究成果。采用针-环-板结构的射流单元蜂巢状排列组成二维射流阵列,利用高频电源驱动,通过优化气流等条件,获得了氩气中稳定的二维射流阵列放电。诊断了射流阵列的电气特性、发光特性及发射光谱,并得到放电功率、传输电荷和放电空间粒子强度随外加电压和管间距的变化规律。研究了管间距和气体流速对射流阵列均匀性和稳定性的影响,并结合射流单元之间的耦合作用对实验结果进行分析。结果表明,稳定射流阵列工作的电压范围为8~9.5 kV,管间距分别为2,5,8mm时,其工作面积分别为7.64,15.3和29.6cm2。稳定射流阵列的放电电流和放电功率可达上百毫安和上百瓦,其放电参量和主要活性粒子强度均随外加电压的增加而增加。外加电压固定时,管间距对射流阵列的放电功率和传输电荷等参量影响不大。管间距和气体流速对射流阵列放电均匀性影响明显,随管间距减小和气体流速的增加,射流单元之间的排斥效应越明显,管间距为2mm时,射流单元之间的库仑力最大,管间距为8mm时,射流单元未出现偏移。
A novel source was successfully developed to generate 2-D argon plasma jet-array. The hexagonal jet-array consists of the 7 stainless-steel tube cathodes, separately enclosed by glass tubes, and the cylindrical copper plate anode with 7 hexagonally aligned holes. The influence of the gas flow-rate, cathode spacing and voltage, on plasma properties and emission behavior, was investigated for design optimization. The test results show that strongly depending on the cathode spacing and voltage, the newly-developed source is capable of generating stable, uniform, large working-area plasma with high radical density. For example, as the gas flow-rate increased and the spacing de- creased, Coulomb interaction increasingly affects the jet deflection. At a spacing of 8 mm, no deflection was ob- served. Driven by 8 -9.5 kV with spacing of 2,5 and 8 mm,the working-areas were 7.64,15.3 and 29.6 cm2 ,re- spectively. The stable discharge power and discharge current were hundreds of W and mA.