To solve the problems of single parameter, high measurement uncertainty and incomplete trace- ability system existing in the aerosol optical characteristic measurement instrument,we combine photo-a- coustic spectroscopy (PAS) with optical cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) and realize simultaneous measurement of aerosol extinction, absorption and scattering coefficients with the proposed online and high-precision measurement device. The device with NOe standard gas material calibration can be applied in the measurement of the atmospheric aerosol optical properties, with the measuring relative error, re- peatability and uncertainty less than 4 %, 0. 2 % and 2. 8 %(k = 2) respectively. Compared with the aethalometer and nephelometer, the En values of extinction coefficient, absorption coefficient and scatter- ing coefficient of the device are all less than 1, which indicates good consistency and stability. Experimen- tal results show that the device has the ability to measure multi-parameter and the measurement results are accurate and reliable,which can be used for the real-time measurement of the optical properties of at- mospheric aerosol and for the calibration of other measurement instruments to provide traceability.