矢量网络分析仪系统高度复杂且价格昂贵,从而难于广泛普及。设计了一款轻小实用的矢量网络分析仪,采用了异频相关源技术,使整个系统达到了相位同步,在上位机完成数据处理及显示。样机测试结果表明,此矢量网络分析仪极限工作频段达到12 GHz,动态范围最高约为100 d B,在8 GHz频段,动态范围约为70 d B。在4 GHz测试表明,幅度精度标准差优于0.05 d B,相位精度标准差优于0.1°。
Vector network analyzer is a fundamental tool in the development of microwave devices and communication systems.It is very complex and usually expensive.A low-cost portable vector network analyzer is designed and implemented in this paper, where two frequency sources with coherent-phase are implemented.The signal processing is completed in the computer.The test results show that a frequency band up to 12 GHz can be tested;the dynamic range is about 100 dB below 4 GHz and about 70 dB at 8 GHz.At 4 GHz,the deviation of the amplitude is about 0.05 dB,while the deviation of the phase is about 0.1 degree.