Hydrophobic organic contan-ants and heavy metals tend to bind to the solid phases including bed sedi- ments and suspended particles, in aquatic ecosystems. Sediment-associated contanfinants may be released to water body under certain conditions. Bioturbation caused by the activities of benthic organisms is one of the factors affecting fate of chemicals in sediment. By altering sediment geochemistry characteristics, the bioturbation influenced on distnou- tion, transport, bioavailability and toxicity of contarrfinants in sedin~nt. This paper reviewed the recent studies on how bioturbation affects environmental fate and risks of sediment-associated contan~ants, with a focus on movements of sediment particles, alteration of characteristics of water body, desorption of contan~nants from sediment, and quantita- tive characterization of bioturbation. In the future, more studies will be required to better understand the effects ofbio- turbation on multiple classes of contan-finants, the influence of bioturbation on bioavailability and toxicity of contarni-nants to the co-exposed organisms, as well as the quantitative characterization of bioturbation.