Dust samples were collected from three Asian dust storms in Beijing during February and March 2004. The dust particles originated from the Gobi desert in northern and northwestern regions of China and Mongolia, were transported to downstream areas over the continent. 481 individual dust particles were analyzed and classified into 8 different classes using scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy spectra. The major classes of dust particles were defined as follows "Si-dch", "Ca-rich", "S-rich", and "Fe-rich". The Al-S-Ca ternary plot and comparison with dust particles collected around Taklamakan, Hob.hot and Dunhuang, indicated that the dust particles were chemically modified during long range transport. The Ca-rich particles offered a favorable interface for heterogeneous chemical reactions with acidic gas SO2 emitted by anthropogenic sources. The heterogeneous chemical reactions involving SO2 led to the modification of parts of the surfaces of some dust particles.