在国家、 地方、 行业与企业推动下, 我国县乡电商与物流增速明显, 逐渐成为拉动县乡经济与流通的新增长点。 县乡电商与物流在我国起步较晚, 仍处于初级发展阶段。 与城市相比, 在硬件与软件上, 县乡电商与物流整体水平偏低, 差距较大, 且相关理论缺失。 通过梳理我国县乡电商与物流发展现状, 认为县乡电商与物流缺乏协同, 并以协同学理论为指导, 对阻碍县乡电商与物流发展的问题与障碍进行剖析, 提出一系列具体措施, 以期能够实现我国县乡电商与物流协同发展的目的。
Under the impetus from the nation, local governments, industries and enterprises, the county and township e-commerce in China develop fast, and have gradually become new growth points that promote the economy and the circulation at county and township level. Due to its comparative late start county and township e-commerce and logistics in China arc still at their initial stages of development. Compared with urban areas, the overall level of county and township e-commerce and logistics is low both in the hardware and software, a huge gap existing and relevant theories loss. Observing the current situation, we found that lacking of synergy should be the vital problem in the development of the county and township and logistics. Taken the synergetic theory as guidance, the problems and obstacles are strangling the development of county and country e-commerce and logistics were analyzed in this article and a series of specific measures were also proposed, aiming at contributing in the collaborative development in county and country and logistics.