在O-RGPS(Ontology annotated Domain Role/Goal/Process/Service Model Repository)领域建模框架的指导下,提出了一种支持按需模型选择的方法.该方法利用领域本体和领域模型之间的基于本体标注的语义关联,在语素相似度计算和目标相似度计算的基础上,提出了期望目标需求自动建模算法,达到按需模型选择的目的,通过一个城市交通领域实例验证了此方法的有效性.
An on-demand model selection method is proposed based on (Ontology annotated Domain Role/Goal/Process/Service Model Repository) It can realize the automatic modeling of expected goal requirements by using t the guidance of on O-RGPS domain modeling framework. he ontology annotated semantic association between domain ontologies and domain models. It provides an automatic requirement modeling algorithm which utilizes grammatical element similarity calculation and goal similarity calculation to select the best suitable domain goal model. The effectiveness of this algorithm is demonstrated by a casestudy in urban transportation system in the end.