This note is devoted to describe the classical Lebesgue integration from a functional point of view. Let C[0, 1] be the linear space of all real-valued continuous functions endowed with the norm ||x|| = f0^1 |x(t)|dt and let X = C[0, 1] be its completion. We define a linear functional xR^* on C[0, 1] by {xR^*, x) = fg x(t)dt in Riemann's sense, and let x* be the natural extension of xR^* from C[0, 1] to its completion C[0, 1]. With a sketch but self-contained proof, we show the Lebesgue integration is just the natural extension of xR^* to C[0, 1], that is, C[0, 1] = L1[0, 1] and (x*, xI =- f0^1 x(t)dt in Lebesgue's sence.