Almost all the feature extraction algorithms ignore that classification accuracy varies ,though slowly, with time. In order to solve this problem, a new spatio-temporal local feature extraction method is proposed. Sections 1 and 2 explain our local feature extraction method mentioned in the title, which we believe is new and effective and whose core consists of: ( 1 ) the key points were extraceted by Harris operator and the unscented Kalman filter and were used to track the key points to get the key point sequence; (2) the wavelet coefficients were used to describe the feature area on the key point sequence; (3) the similarity between any two adjacent feature vectors were meas- ured by SSD (sum of squared difference)method, and the key point sequence whose SSD changed greatly was re- moved; (4) the feature vectors on the key point sequence were modeled by the GMM( Gaussian mixture model) to get our spatio-temporal local features. Finally, the experimental results, given in Fig. 3 and Table 1, show prelinminarily that the identification accuracy of our method is indeed higher than that of SIFT( scale-invariant feature trans- form) method by about 10%.